MTIC/ENT/2007/0336 (A.J. Printing and Packaging Ltd)


Appraisal History of MTIC/ENT/2007/0336 (A.J. Printing and Packaging Ltd)
  Date of appraisalDistrictCountySubcountyParishVillageGPS LocationName of EnterpriseMTIC NumberTIN NumberContact PersonAddressTel NumberMobile NumberContact EmailActivityRegistration StatusFounding YearOwnershipCountry of ownershipType of ProprietorshipProduct CertificationAnnual turnoverChallenges facedPower usagePower sourcesOpinionsRecord byComment by ministry staffOverall Performance ratingLine ManagerNumber of skilledNumber of unskilledNumber of maleNumber of femaleNumber of youthNumber of PWDsSector CategorizationSectorsGovernment assistance receivedExport countriesLocal DistrictsMemberships
9 Jun 2019KAMPALAA.J. Printing and Packaging LtdMTIC/ENT/2007/0336Mr. Hemang A. JoshiPlot 3 Mulwana road (Kibira) Road Industrial and ProcessingStationery Designing Publishing And Printing